By making a stock donation, you can provide a valuable gift to support our work transforming health in rural Guatemala and save on taxes.

Here’s how it works:

If you have a stock that has increased in value over the calendar year and you sell that stock, you’re required to pay capital gains tax on that increase. If you donate that stock, you do not have to pay the tax on the increased value. Plus, if you itemize deductions, you can also claim a tax deduction based on the value of the donated stock.

Making a stock gift is easy. Simply click on the green box below to go to Stock Donator and select the stock you want to sell. You can select the number of shares you want to sell or the value of the gift you want to make. After making the gift, you will receive a record for your taxes.



Types of Stock to Donate:

  • To maximize tax benefits, donate stocks that have significantly appreciated in value.

  • Donate stocks that you have owned for more than a year. If the stock is less than a year old, the tax benefits are reduced.

  • Donate a publicly traded stock. Giving other stocks or assets is more complicated than giving a stock that trades on a public exchange. In other words, avoid privately held stocks or restricted shares of public stocks.

Together, we are building a world where
all people thrive.

Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011

Your tax-deductible donation saves lives and builds health infrastructure for the most vulnerable people.


EIN 20-8741625


Thank you for your support! We could not do this life-saving work without you!